,SDL logo
The Southside of Chicago's "Steel Tip" Dart League since 1981

Mailing Address: 10509 S. Whipple St. Chicago IL 60655

Phone: 773-445-7700

E-mail: office@southsidedartleague.org



Home Page

2025 Winter Schedule

First week of play January 27th

November 14, 15 &16: 40th SDL Cup at Elks Club: 4428 Midlothian Turnpike, Crestwood



Looking for Dart Supplies - Check out Tom Deery's Booth --- 560 Sat & Sun 9:30 to 3:00

at Tri-State Swap O Rama in Alsip


Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Winners and Runner ups

Silver - Champion Double Play A.A.R.P (Ron Johnson, Kevin Jinkensen, Trevor Buboltz, Mike Copeland, Bob Lamge, Sonny Loepke, John Ortman, )

Silver- Runner Up Rosa' s Collision (Jim Fuentes, Anthony Cuchetto, Jerry Fuentes, Tasso Garbis, Mike Hobin)


Nickel A Champion Hippo's Tubby Melons (Dan Ernst, Timmy Davies, Billy Ernst, Jack Davies, Dennis Schmitt, Joe Wagner, Conor Williams)

Nickel A Runner Up Longford B.O.H.I.A. (Tony Wlodarski, Dave Stubitsch, Jay Herbst, Frank Kalebich, Millissa Murdoch, Bob Myers, Joe Piotrowski)


Nickel B Champion Eagles No Bulls Hit ( Mike Scanlan, Dan Mann. Matt Doherty, Gerry Doherty, Sean Enright, Rich Mende, Ryan O'Hara)

Nickel B Runner Up Barney's Breakfast Club (Tim Rooney, Brendan O'Malley, Pat Crowley, Patrick Doig, Sam Finkelstein, Michael Groth, Michael Harney, Tim Klos. Jamie O'Malley,

Tim Quinn)

Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Wednesday Winner and Runner up

Champion Hippos Hip Hip Hooray! (Karen Huffman, Marge Heintz, Mike Copeland, Dan Ernst, Frank Hodgeman, Sharon Huffman, Ron Johnson,Michele Knieps, ,Karen Weiland)

Runner Ups Shortstops ATTA GIRL(Ken Nasadowski, Carolyn Nasadowski, John Benware, Dee Buis , Charlie Dispensa, Marlene Gannon, Sarah Morris, Keith Wood)

39th Annual SDL Cup - MVP's Margie Heintz and Mike Copeland.Congratulations!



Want to join a team or get more information about the Southside Dart Steel Tip Dart League

e-mail us at office@southsidedartleague.org or leave a message at 773-445-7700







Captains Information

Playoffs - To be playoff eligible a player must have
played a minimum of 5 games over 5 weeks. Any
questions should be directed to the board by phone
or e-mail at office@southsidedartleague.org

Play-off tie breakers: 1) Head to Head Record of Teams Involved. 2) Singles Record vs. Teams Involved. .
3)Away Record vs. Entire Division. 4) Coin-Toss

Scores must be called in to 773-445-7700 or emailed to office@southsidedartleague.org by
11:00 am the day after darts. There will be a 1 point penalty per week until the score is called in.
When calling in high darters please spell there last name and let us know which team they play for.

Play-off positions should be on the recorder each week by Thursday night. After you have
won for the evening please call your score in as soon as possible. The 1st place teams
will have the home advantage during the first round of play-offs. During all other rounds
the higher division/place will have the home advantage.

Send in your individual ratings records(IRR) by after the final week of play so your MVP will receive their awards at the BANQUET
You can mail it to the address below, or scan it and send to the e-mail below. You can also try to send it to
the e-mail as a photo, just make sure it is readable. Call the league if you have any questions. Blank IRR's are
available on the web page.

Please confirm the spelling of
your team name on the standings - that is
how it will appear on any awards you may win.
Darts Eligible for High Darter List:
A 140 or more in one turn in 301 or 501
Doubled in with a 101 or more in 301
Doubled out with a 101 or more in 301 or 501
4 or more bulls in Dirty Cricket
Trip Trips in Dirty Cricket
Please report what team they play for


The Southside Dart League is a not for profit organization operating since 1981. We have 2 ten week seasons per year with a Tournament for our members every November. During the Summer months, we sponsor a traveling Luck of the Draw that is open to everyone. This is a good place to meet darters and form new teams for the Fall and Winter Seasons. Of course, 21 is the age required for membership. More about us.